Monday, February 9, 2009


I hate to admit it...I really like this show. The show follows Hue Hefner and his three girlfriends, Kendra, Bridget and Holly, or should I say Ex-girlfriends. He has officially booted all the girls out. Kendra is coming out with her own reality show which will be based on her life as she plans her wedding with NFL star Hank Baskett at the Playboy mansion in June. Kendra didn't waste anytime with that one-probably because as she states in a interview I read, she was going out and having sex with other guys when she was with Hef. I mean a girl has to have her options, right?

I saw Bridget at a Russell Simmons party last night who was accompanied by a male friend, who was he? I have no idea. She looked as cute as a button, or maybe more like a barbie doll. I asked someone to take a picture of Bridget and I and apparently she was a little drunk and cut off my head. -The drunk girl asked me to take a picture of her and Bridget with her camera and the battery died on the camera-Karma? Last I saw Holly, I believe she was on TMZ. She was talking about how long it's been since she has had sex, it's probably been years...she couldn't possibly consider sleeping with Hef was having sex....? Anyhow, I hear Hef has replaced the girls with twin sisters. Going to miss the girls on the show but look forward to another season with his new girlfriends.